Research Associate in Swarm Robotics
[P22] D. Garzón Ramos and S. Hauert. “Designing robot swarms: a puzzle, a problem, and a mess”. In: 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40). 2024, pp. 1600–1602.
[J11] D. Garzón Ramos, F. Pagnozzi, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari. “Automatic design of robot swarms under concurrent design criteria: a study based on Iterated F‑Race”. In: Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024), p. 2400332. DOi: 10.1002/aisy.202400332.
[J10] M. Salman, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Automatic design of stigmergy‑based behaviors for robot swarms”. In: Communications Engineering 3 (2024), p. 30. DOi: 10.1038/s44172-024-00175-7
[J9] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari. “Transferability in the automatic off‑line design of robot swarms: from sim‑to‑real to embodiment and design‑method transfer across different platforms”. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 9.3 (2024), pp. 2758–2765. DOi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3360013
[J12] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “DeimOS: a ROS‑ready operating system for the e‑puck”. In: Journal of Open Research Software (2024), (in review)
[J11] D. Garzón Ramos, F. Pagnozzi, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari. “Automatic design of robot swarms under concurrent design criteria: a study based on Iterated F‑Race”. In: Advanced Intelligent Systems (2024), p. 2400332. DOi: 10.1002/aisy.202400332.
[J10] M. Salman, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Automatic design of stigmergy‑based behaviors for robot swarms”. In: Communications Engineering 3 (2024), p. 30. DOi: 10.1038/s44172-024-00175-7
[J9] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari. “Transferability in the automatic off‑line design of robot swarms: from sim‑to‑real to embodiment and design‑method transfer across different platforms”. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 9.3 (2024), pp. 2758–2765. DOi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3360013
[J8] F. J. Mendiburu, D. Garzón Ramos, M. R. Morais, A. M. Lima, and M. Birattari. “AutoMoDe‑Mate: automatic off‑line design of spatially‑organizing behaviors for robot swarms”. In: Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 74 (2022), p. 101118. DOi: 10.1016/j.swevo.2022.101118
[J7] D. Garzón Ramos and M. Birattari. “Automatic design of collective behaviors for robots that can display and perceive colors”. In: Applied Sciences 10.13 (2020), p. 4654. DOi: 10.3390/app10134654
[J6] M. Salman, D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, and M. Birattari. “Phormica: photochromic pheromone release and detection system for stigmergic coordination in robot swarms”. In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7 (2020), p. 195. DOi: 10.3389/frobt.2020.591402
[J5] M. Birattari, A. Ligot, D. Bozhinoski, M. Brambilla, G. Francesca, L. Garattoni, D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, F. Pagnozzi, A. Roli, M. Salman, and T. Stützle. “Automatic off‑line design of robot swarms: a manifesto”. In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI 6 (2019), p. 59. DOi: 10.3389/frobt.2019.00059
[J4] D. Garzón Ramos, D. A. Guzmán‑Embús, D. C. Barrera‑Andrade, A. M. Florez‑Villamil, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. “Diseño e implementación del sistema de espectroscopia de fotoimpedancia eléctrica en el desarrollo de sensores ópticos basados en microvaras de ZnO”. In: Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 25 (2014), pp. 141–146. DOi: 10.33975/riuq.vol25n1.165
[J3] D. Garzón Ramos, E. A. Belalcazar‑Bolaños, J. R. Orozco‑Arroyave, J. F. Vargas‑Bonilla, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. “Reconstrucción del espectro Raman mediante la sustracción de la línea base usando las funciones de Huber y cuadrática truncada”. In: Revista Colombiana de Fisica 46.1 (2014), pp. 1–4
[J2] D. Garzón Ramos, C. Vargas‑Hernández, and E. Cano Plata. “Estudios por impedancia eléctrica de nanoestructuras de ZnO”. In: Scientia Et Technica 18.2 (2013), pp. 309–314
[J1] D. Garzón Ramos, A. Martínez, D. Rico, D. A. Guzmán‑Embús, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. “Sistema SILAR para el crecimiento de películas semiconductoras con diferentes aplicaciones”. In: Revista de Investigaciones Universidad del Quindío 23.1 (2012), pp. 16–22. DOi: 10.33975/riuq.vol23n1.414
[C5] G. Spaey, M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Evaluation of alternative exploration schemes in the automatic modular design of robot swarms”. In: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: BNAIC 2019, BENELEARN 2019. Ed. by B. Bogaerts, G. Bontempi, P. Geurts, N. Harley, B. Lebichot, T. Lenaerts, and G. Louppe. Vol. 1196. CCIS. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2020, pp. 18–33. DOi: 10.1007/978-3-030-65154-1_2
[C4] J. J. Roldán, E. Peña‑Tapia, D. Garzón Ramos, J. de León, M. Garzón, J. del Cerro, and A. Barrientos. “Multi‑robot systems, virtual reality and ROS: developing a new generation of operator interfaces”. In: Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference. Ed. by A. Koubaa. Vol. 778. SCI. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018, pp. 29–64. DOi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91590-6_2
[C3] M. Garzón, J. Valente, J. J. Roldán, D. Garzón Ramos, J. de León, A. Barrientos, and J. del Cerro. “Using ROS in multi‑robot systems: experiences and lessons learned from real‑world field tests”. In: Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference. Ed. by A. Koubaa. Vol. 707. SCI. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017, pp. 449–483. DOi: 10.1007/978-3-319-54927-9_14
[C2] J. J. Roldán, J. del Cerro, D. Garzón Ramos, P. Garcia‑Aunon, M. Garzón, J. de León, and A. Barrientos. “Robots in agriculture: state of art and practical experiences”. In: Service Robots. Ed. by A. J. R. Neves. London, United Kingdom: IntechOpen, 2017. DOi: 10.5772/intechopen.69874
[C1] D. Garzón Ramos, D. A. Guzmán‑Embús, C. Serna‑Plata, D. C. Galvez‑Coy, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. “Estudio de las propiedades estructurales, vibracionales y eléctricas de la matriz compleja PVA + microvaras de ZnO”. In: Materiales Compuestos y Recubrimientos: Numero especial Artículos cortos, VII Congreso Internacional de Materiales. Ed. by M. L. Álvarez Láinez, N. R. Rojas Reyes, P. Fernández Morales, and M. E. López Gómez. Medellín, Colombia: Revista Colombiana de Materiales, Universidad de Antioquia, 2014
[P22] G. M. Madroñero Pachajoa, W. Achicanoy, and D. Garzón Ramos. “Automating the evaluation of the scalability, flexibility, and robustness of collective behaviors for robot swarms”. In: 2024 Brazilian Symposium on Robotics (SBR). 2024.
[P22] D. Garzón Ramos and S. Hauert. “Designing robot swarms: a puzzle, a problem, and a mess”. In: 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40). 2024, pp. 1600–1602.
[P21] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, G. Legarda Herranz, I. Gharbi, J. Szpirer, O. Debeir, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari. “Collective perception for tracking people with a robot swarm”. In: 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40). 2024, pp. 1292–1294.
[P20] J. Szpirer, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Automatic design of robot swarms that perform sequences of missions: an approach based on inverse reinforcement learning and multi‑criteria optimization”. In: 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 2024
[P19] D. Garzón Ramos and M. Birattari. “Automatically designing robot swarms in environments populated by other robots: an experiment in robot shepherding”. In: 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). . Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2024
[P18] I. Gharbi, J. Kuckling, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Show me what you want: inverse reinforcement learning to automatically design robot swarms by demonstration”. In: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2023, pp. 5063–5070. DOi: 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10160947
[P17] J. B. Medina, A. Pantoja, and D. Garzón Ramos. “Caracterización de comportamientos de enjambres de robots mediante el análisis de imágenes demostrativas”. In: II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SOPHIC 2023): ciencia para el futuro e integración de las regiones. Ed. by J. Ari Noriega, B. Foliaco, D. Garzón Ramos, P. Paz, L. A. Pedraza Herrera, E. Ramírez Vargas, and E. Villota. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial SoPhIC, 2023, pp. 271–275. DOi: 10.5281/zenodo.10277237
[P16] J. A. Diaz, A. Pantoja, and D. Garzón Ramos. “Aplicación de la minería de procesos en el estudio de comportamientos colectivos para enjambres de robots”. In: II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SOPHIC 2023): ciencia para el futuro e integración de las regiones. Ed. by J. Ari Noriega, B. Foliaco, D. Garzón Ramos, P. Paz, L. A. Pedraza Herrera, E. Ramírez Vargas, and E. Villota. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial SoPhIC, 2023, pp. 297–301. DOi: 10.5281/zenodo.10277237
[P15] G. M. Madroñero Pachajoa, W. Achicanoy, and D. Garzón Ramos. “Construcción de un repositorio de comportamientos colectivos para enjambres de robots en ARGoS3”. In: II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SOPHIC 2023): ciencia para el futuro e integración de las regiones. Ed. by J. Ari Noriega, B. Foliaco, D. Garzón Ramos, P. Paz, L. A. Pedraza Herrera, E. Ramírez Vargas, and E. Villota. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial SoPhIC, 2023, pp. 303–307. DOi: 10.5281/zenodo.10277237
[P14] E. Solarte Paz, W. Achicanoy, and D. Garzón Ramos. “Desarrollo de un marco experimental para estudiar comportamientos de especialización en enjambres de robots”. In: II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SOPHIC 2023): ciencia para el futuro e integración de las regiones. Ed. by J. Ari Noriega, B. Foliaco, D. Garzón Ramos, P. Paz, L. A. Pedraza Herrera, E. Ramírez Vargas, and E. Villota. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial SoPhIC, 2023, pp. 321–325. DOi: 10.5281/zenodo.10277237
[P13] D. Garzón Ramos, J. P. Bolaños, J. Diaz, G. Pachajoa, and M. Birattari. “Introduciendo la robótica de enjambres a entusiastas de la robótica: experiencias y resultados de una colaboración académica”. In: I Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SOPHIC 2021): la ciencia al servicio de la sociedad. Ed. by E. Ramírez Vargas, L. A. Pedraza Herrera, V. Otero Jiménez, and S. L. Leiva Maldonado. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial SoPhIC, 2021, pp. 46–48
[P12] G. Spaey, M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Comparison of different exploration schemes in the automatic modular design of robot swarms”. In: Proceedings of the Reference AI & ML Conference for Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg, BNAIC/BENELEARN 2019. Ed. by K. Beuls, B. Bogaerts, G. Bontempi, P. Geurts, N. Harley, B. Lebichot, T. Lenaerts, G. Louppe, and P. Van Eecke. Vol. 2491. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Aachen, Germany: CEUR‑, 2019
[P11] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. “Random walk exploration for swarm mapping”. In: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems, TAROS. Ed. by K. Althoefer, J. Konstantinova, and K. Zhang. Vol. 11650. LNCS. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2019, pp. 211–222. DOi: 10.1007/978-3-030-25332-5_19
[P10] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Garzón, J. de León, and A. Barrientos. “Enhancing RRT planning for interception with distance and probability maps based on FMM”. In: ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference. Ed. by A. Ollero, A. Sanfeliu, L. Montano, N. Lau, and C. Cardeira. Vol. 693. AISC. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018, pp. 867–878. DOi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70833-1_70
[P9] J. de León, M. Garzón, D. Garzón Ramos, and A. Barrientos. “Study of gait patterns for an hexapod robot in search and rescue tasks”. In: ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference. Ed. by A. Ollero, A. Sanfeliu, L. Montano, N. Lau, and C. Cardeira. Vol. 694. AISC. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2018, pp. 731–742. DOi: 10.1007/978-3-319-70836-2_60
[P8] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Garzón, and A. Barrientos. “Planificación para interceptación de objetivos: integración del método Fast Marching y Risk‑RRT”. In: Actas de las XXXVIII Jornadas de Automática. Ed. by H. López García. Oviedo, Spain: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2017, pp. 738–745. DOi: 10.17979/spudc.9788497497749.0738
[P7] J. J. Roldán, M. Garzón, J. de León, D. Garzón Ramos, A. Martín‑Barrio, S. Terrile, P. Garcia‑Aunon, J. del Cerro, C. Rossi, and A. Barrientos. “Proyecto PRIC: Protección Robotizada de Infraestructuras Críticas”. In: Libro de actas de las Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica 2017. Ed. by M. Mellado Arteche, A. Sánchez Salmerón, and E. J. Bernabeu Soler. Barcelona, Spain: Comité Español de Automática (CEA‑IFAC), 2017
[P6] M. Garzón, D. Garzón Ramos, A. Barrientos, and J. del Cerro. “Pedestrian trajectory prediction in large infrastructures ‑ a long‑term approach based on path planning”. In: ICINCO 2016: 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Ed. by O. Gusikhin, D. Peaucelle, and K. Madani. Setúbal, Portugal: SciTePress, 2016, pp. 381–389. DOi: 10.5220/0005983303810389
[P5] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Garzón, and A. Barrientos. “Proteccióon multi‑robot de infraestructuras: un enfoque cooperativo para entornos con información limitada”. In: Libro de Actas de las XXXVII Jornadas de Automática. Ed. by H. López García. Barcelona, Spain: Comité Español de Automática (CEA‑IFAC), 2016, pp. 1132–1139. DOi: 10.17979/spudc.9788497497749.0738
[P4] J. de León, M. Garzón Oviedo, D. Garzón Ramos, J. del Cerro, and A. Barrientos. “Towards complex human robot cooperation based on gesture‑controlled autonomous navigation”. In: RoboCity16: Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics. Ed. by R. E. Fernández and H. Montes. Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2016, pp. 1–9
[P3] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Garzón, and A. Barrientos. “Pedestrian motion prediction: a graph based approach”. In: RoboCity16: Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics. Ed. by R. E. Fernández and H. Montes. Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2016, pp. 309–316
[P2] J. de León, M. Garzón, D. Garzón Ramos, E. Narváez, J. del Cerro, and A. Barrientos. “From video games multiple cameras to multi‑robot teleoperation in disaster scenarios”. In: ICARSC 2016: IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. Ed. by B. Cunha, J. Lima, M. Silva, and P. Leitão. Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2016, pp. 323–328. DOi: 10.1109/ICARSC.2016.41
[P1] D. Garzón Ramos, J. A. Martínez Macuna, D. A. Rico Ayala, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. “Sistema SILAR de producción para películas semiconductoras aplicadas en sensores de humedad”. In: 16 Convención Científica de Ingenieria y Arquitectura. La Habana, Cuba: Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría (CUJAE), 2012, pp. 330–339
[E1] J. Ari Noriega, B. Foliaco, D. Garzón Ramos, P. Paz, L. A. Pedraza Herrera, E. Ramírez Vargas, and E. Villota, eds. II Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad de Doctores e Investigadores de Colombia (SOPHIC 2023): ciencia para el futuro e integración de las regiones. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial SoPhIC, 2023. DOi: 10.5281/zenodo.10277237
[W4] D. Garzón Ramos, J. B. Medina, S. Hauert, and M. Birattari. “Selection of communication mechanisms in the automatic modular design of robot swarms”. In: Late breaking abstracts ‑ ANTS 2024, Fourteenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence. Konstanz, Germany: Universität Konstanz, 2024.
[W3] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, G. Legarda Herranz, I. Gharbi, J. Szpirer, K. Hasselmann, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari. “Leveraging swarm capabilities to assist other systems”. In: ICRA 2024 Breaking Swarm Stereotypes Workshop. Yokohama, Japan: EU EIC project EMERGE, 2024. DOi: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.04079
[W2] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari. “Automatic off‑line design of robot swarms: exploring the transferability of control software and design methods across different platforms”. In: ICRA 2023 Transferability in Robotics Workshop. London, UK: EU Horizon project euRobin, 2023. DOi: 10.48550/arXiv.2305.16126
[W1] D. Garzón Ramos, D. Bozhinoski, G. Francesca, L. Garattoni, K. Hasselmann, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, A. Ligot, F. J. Mendiburu, F. Pagnozzi, M. Salman, T. Stützle, and M. Birattari. “The automatic off‑line design of robot swarms: recent advances and perspectives”. In: R2T2: Robotics Research for Tomorrow’s Technology. Ed. by G. De Masi, E. Ferrante, and P. Dario. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: Technology Innovation Institute, 2021
[T3] D. Garzón Ramos. “Comparación empírica de métodos de diseño de enjambres de robots: un estudio en simulación sobre enjambres que coordinan a otros enjambres”. Master’s Thesis (in Spanish). Available online: . Manizales, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2022
[T2] D. Garzón Ramos. “Inspección multi‑robot de amenazas en infraestructuras críticas”. Master’s Thesis (in Spanish). Madrid, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2016
[T1] D. Garzón Ramos. “Desarrollo y evaluación de películas sensores de UV basadas en microestructuras de ZnO”. Electronics Engineering Thesis (in Spanish). Available online: . Manizales, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2014
[R4] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Salman, K. Ubeda Arriaza, K. Hasselmann, and M. Birattari. MoCA: a modular RGB color arena for swarm robotics experiments. Tech. rep. TR/IRIDIA/2022‑014. Brussels, Belgium: IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles, 2022
[R3] M. Kegeleirs, R. Todesco, D. Garzón Ramos, G. Legarda Herranz, and M. Birattari. Mercator: hardware and software architecture for experiments in swarm SLAM. Tech. rep. TR/IRIDIA/2022‑012. Brussels, Belgium: IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles, 2022
[R2] G. Legarda Herranz, D. Garzón Ramos, J. Kuckling, M. Kegeleirs, and M. Birattari. Tycho: a robust, ROS‑based tracking system for robot swarms. Tech. rep. TR/IRIDIA/2022‑009. Brussels, Belgium: IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles, 2022
[R1] K. Hasselmann, A. Ligot, G. Francesca, D. Garzón Ramos, M. Salman, J. Kuckling, F. J. Mendiburu, and M. Birattari. Reference models for AutoMoDe. Tech. rep. TR/IRIDIA/2018‑002. Brussels, Belgium: IRIDIA, Université libre de Bruxelles, 2018
[M5] D. Garzón Ramos. Robotics people – #ICRA2022 Day 5 big wrap‑up. Robohub. 2022
[M4] D. Garzón Ramos. Robots that act collectively: when, and how? – #ICRA2022 Day 4 interview with K. Petersen, M. A. Olivares Mendez, and T. Kaiser (+ video digest). Robohub. 2022
[M3] D. Garzón Ramos. Connecting robots and people – #ICRA2022 Day 3 interview with Kate Ladenheim (+ video digest). Robohub. 2022
[M2] D. Garzón Ramos. The art of making robots – #ICRA2022 Day 2 interviews and video digest. Robohub. 2022
[M1] D. Garzón Ramos. #ICRA2022, the great robotics scicommer – Day 1 video digest. Robohub. 2022
[V19] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, G. Legarda Herranz, I. Gharbi, J. Szpirer, K. Hasselmann, L. Garattoni, G. Francesca, and M. Birattari. Leveraging swarm capabilities to assist other systems. Presented at: 40th Anniversary of the IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA40). 2024
[V19] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Salman, and M. Birattari. Stigmergy, robots, and automatic design. Communication video. 2024
[V18] I. Gharbi, J. Kuckling, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. ICRA 2023 | Inverse reinforcement learning to automatically design robot swarms by demonstration. Accompanying video. 2023
[V17] I. Gharbi, D. Garzón Ramos, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, G. Legarda Herranz, and M. Birattari. Jingle swarms, jingle all the way! | A swarm robotics Christmas clip. Communication video. 2022
[V16] D. Garzón Ramos, I. Gharbi, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, G. Legarda Herranz, and M. Birattari. Paranormal swarmctivity: a ghostly robot swarm that learns from demonstrations! Communication video. 2022
[V15] D. Garzón Ramos. ICRA 2022 ‑ Pincuyno gears. Communication video: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). 2022
[V14] D. Garzón Ramos. ICRA 2022 ‑ R5 Robot Ready. Communication video: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). 2022
[V13] D. Garzón Ramos. ICRA 2022 ‑ Machine lingo. Communication video: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). 2022
[V12] D. Garzón Ramos. ICRA 2022 ‑ Da Robot Funk. Communication video: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). 2022
[V11] D. Garzón Ramos. ICRA 2022 ‑ Kicking off. Communication video: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). 2022.
[V10] D. Garzón Ramos. ICRA 2022 ‑ Road to Philly! | Video teaser. Communication video: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022). 2022
[V8] D. Garzón Ramos, K. Hasselmann, and M. Birattari. Neuro‑evolutionary methods for the automatic design of robot swarms. Communication video. 2021
[V7] I. Gharbi, D. Garzón Ramos, J. Kuckling, M. Kegeleirs, G. Legarda Herranz, and M. Birattari. Swarming lights on winter nights ‑ AutoMoDe edition: a robot swarm ballet. Communication video. 2021
[V6] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Salman, and M. Birattari. The DEMIURGE project: teaser video. Communication video. 2021
[V5] M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, J. Kuckling, I. Gharbi, and M. Birattari. Automatic design of collective (collecting) behaviors for robot (rabbit) swarms ‑ Easter egg hunt. Communication video. 2021
[V4] J. Kuckling, M. Kegeleirs, D. Garzón Ramos, and M. Birattari. La robotique en essaim : L’union fait la force ! Video presented at: Printemps des Sciences, Fédération Wallonie‑Bruxelles. 2021
[V3] D. Garzón Ramos, J. Kuckling, M. Kegeleirs, I. Gharbi, and M. Birattari. Christmas clip ‑ Automatic design of swarms of Santa’s little helpers (a.k.a. robot swarms). Communication video. 2020
[V2] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Salman, K. Hasselmann, and M. Birattari. Christmas clip ‑ Phormica: photochromic pheromone release and detection system for robot swarms. Communication video. 2020
[V1] D. Garzón Ramos, M. Kegeleirs, J. Kuckling, and M. Birattari. ROS for robot swarms. Video presented at: ROS World 2020, Open Robotics. 2020
[E7] I. Gharbi, J. Kuckling, D. Garzón Ramos, M. Kegeleirs, G. Legarda Herranz, and M. Birattari. Robotique en essaim : Orchestra. Poster presented at: Printemps des Sciences 2022. Fédération Wallonie‑Bruxelles. Brussels, Belgium. 2022
[E6] J. J. Alzate, J. Araujo, D. Garzón Ramos, F. Londoño Zapata, J. A. Ortiz Torres, and A. Torres Burgos. Fabricación de un robot móvil terrestre con capacidad de navegación autónoma para la medición de variables ambientales sensibles para la automatización del sector agroindustrial de Caldas. Poster presented at: XIII Encuentro Virtual Departamental de Semilleros de Investigación. RREDSI Red Regional de Semilleros de Investigación Nodo Caldas. Manizales, Colombia. 2021
[E5] M. Garzón, J. de León, and D. Garzón Ramos. Surveillance, search and rescue. Poster presented at: Industriales Research Meeting 2016. ETSII, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Madrid, Spain. 2016
[E4] D. Garzón Ramos, E. Cano‑Plata, D. A. Guzmán‑Embús, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. Development and evaluation of UV sensor films based on ZnO microrods. Poster presented at: International Materials Research Congress. Sociedad Mexicana de Materiales. Cancún, Mexico. 2014
[E3] D. Garzón Ramos, E. A. Belalcazar‑Bolaños, J. R. Orozco‑Arroyave, J. F. Vargas‑Bonilla, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. Automatic background removal from ZnO and GaAs Raman spectra using Huber and quadratic truncated functions. Poster presented at: NanoAntioquia 2013, II Taller Internacional de Materiales Nanoestructurados. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia. 2013
[E2] D. C. Galvez‑Coy, D. Garzón Ramos, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. Caracterización estructural, vibracional y mecánica de hueso tipo fémur vacuno. Poster presented at: 3er Congreso de Ingeniería Física. Universidad EAFIT. Medellín, Colombia. 2012
[E1] D. Garzón Ramos, A. Martínez, D. Rico, and C. Vargas‑Hernández. Implementación de la DAQ NI‑USB6009 en el sistema SILAR para el crecimiento de películas semiconductoras. Poster presented at: 3er Congreso de Ingeniería Física. Universidad EAFIT. Medellín, Colombia. 2012